We all get bored from time to time. Whether it is because we have too much time on our hands or otherwise, the feeling of wanting to do something but not knowing what to do is a struggle as old as time. Who knows, maybe you clicked on this very article precisely because you felt like you had nothing to do? If that’s the case, you’re in the right place. Get ready to learn how not to get bored.
One way to avoid boredom is to engage in some sort of physical activity. When exercising, your brain can’t afford to get bored; instead, it has to make sure your body keeps functioning properly. Also, whenever you engage in physical activity, your body releases endorphins – chemicals whose sole function is to make you feel good. (don’t worry, they’re legal). And, guess what, when endorphins kick in, boredom is out of question.
So, if you’re ever bored out of your mind, just go for a jog. Not only does it kill the boredom, but it’s also good for your health! If you don’t know what type of exercise to go for, check out our article on sports disciplines you have probably never considered playing.
If you’re not really into the idea of doing physical workout, you can opt instead for some mental workout. How? Well, all you have to do is find something new to learn.
It doesn’t matter what it is either. You can learn a new language, get into chess, or start playing an instrument of your choosing. Even if you don’t end up finding a long-term hobby, you will at least avoid getting bored to death (hopefully).
If you’re out of ideas for new things to learn, check out our article about 10 new things you should consider learning today.
Meditation is great for many reasons. One such reason is that it helps deal with boredom.
This is because actively engaging in meditation can help with stress, anxiety, and in some cases depression, all of which can cause you to get bored. So, if you feel like the boredom you experience is connected to your mental health, consider meditation as a possible fix.
Now, getting into meditation may seem overwhelming at first, but it’s actually not that complicated. You can find a lot of useful guides online. Here, for example, you can watch a great YouTube video that will help you understand all the basics.
Contrary to what some may say, having a diary is not something to be ashamed of. Writing down your thoughts and feelings on a piece of paper (or on a computer) is in reality a powerful form of self-therapy. Even if you don’t feel like you have any obvious issues that may be bothering you, it’s still good for you.
More importantly though, it’s a fantastic way of dealing with boredom. That’s right, writing a diary can actually be a lot of fun even though it doesn’t seem like it at first. You might even learn something new about yourself that you didn’t know before.
If you don’t feel like writing, you can also simply read through your old entries. Reading them will give you a glimpse into the psyche of the you from the past. Trust me, it might feel a bit weird, but you will definitely not feel bored.
Sometimes, the problem of boredom can’t be solved by exercising or picking up a new hobby. If you feel like that’s the case for you, you can try changing your attitude towards boredom instead. Simply don’t let it bother you.
Of course, I say “simply,” but it’s actually not that straightforward. After all, you can’t change your attitude towards anything in life at will. But, with enough time and persistence, you can stop thinking of boredom as the end of the world. Once it stops being such a huge problem in your eyes, you will no longer feel bored at all.
If you feel like boredom is not just transient in your case (in other words, if you feel bored with life altogether), you might want to try switching things up.
What things? Well, it doesn’t really matter. You can get a new haircut, move to a different city, or even change your job. How far you decide to go is up to you, and it depends on how bored you are. If you can’t stand the monotony of your life anymore, then you might want to consider going for a more radical change. If, however, boredom is but a slight nuisance for you, then a temporary fix (such as changing your haircut) might just do the trick.
This one’s very simple. Whenever you feel bored, just strike up a conversation with someone. It can be a person you know (friend, family member, or partner), but it can also be a complete stranger. In either case, it will help you alleviate boredom, and in the process connect with other social creatures. I mean, everyone has at least one interesting story to tell, right?
Sometimes boredom is a form of laziness that stops one from unleashing their potential in life. Go for a run, sign up for that community yoga workshop, invite your neighbors for a weekend tea? Just go for it.