8 Weird Phobias You’ve Never Heard of
We are all scared of something. It may be spiders, heights, or scary movies. That doesn’t sound too weird, right? In fact, it’s normal to fear things, animals, and people that might hurt us. But what about phobias that seem inexplicable? Phobias that most people cannot relate with at all?
If I’ve piqued your interest, be sure to keep reading. Here are 8 weird phobias you’ve never heard of!
Digital Detox – Why You Should Take a Break From Technology
In today’s fast-paced world, we are more connected to technology than ever before. But while technology can be incredibly helpful and convenient, it is also incredibly easy to get addicted to the constant barrage of notifications and updates. So, it is essential to take a step back every once in a while. That’s where the concept of digital detox comes in.
Things To Know Before Traveling to South Korea
South Korea is a country unlike any other. Rich traditions, fascinating culture and an appetizing and aromatic cuisine Not long ago, it was a largely agrarian economy- until it unleashed the tiger within. And today, we have a global cultural and economic leader.
So what are some customs and traditions worth knowing before visiting to Korea?
False Retirement Promises- Why Millenials Won’t Get Their Pensions
Pension systems are increasingly a hot topic for debate in European countries in the aftermath of COVID-19, especially given the systemic trends- most notably population ageing- and their impact on pension systems. The challenge remains, how will pension systems provide financially and socially sustainable pensions in the future? Without significant reforms, pension systems are heading towards a cloud of chaos and uncertainty.